Hoya Linearis Care

Hoya Linearis is a unique Hoya from the Himalayan region of Northern India. Unlike other Hoya, it isn't much of a climber. Rather, it takes root in trees and trails (up to several feet) down from their branches. The leaves are small, thin and covered in a light fuzz. White, star-shaped, flowers appear in clusters and smell of lemon.




Partial shade to bright indirect. I've not really found them to be too picky about light. They seem to tolerate bright light well, but also grow fine in shadier spots. My personal plant is in a west facing window (we have a large oak out there that blocks the more intense afternoon light.) I think east or north would also be fine, even south if set back a bit to avoid the harshest rays. 

55 - 85° F (12.5 - 29.5° C) / 50% + Humidity.
I know these have a reputation for being a difficult Hoya to grow... but I'm honestly not sure why. They grow perfectly well in normal household conditions (and my "household" is in upstate New York, a place with relatively low ambient humidity, especially in the winters.) I'm sure the more humidity the better, but they've never given me any trouble at all even at my 40% 


These guys are a little thirstier than my other Hoya (similar to Polyneura.) You really just want to let the soil surface to dry between watering. I'd say I hit mine (my personal plant, my shop plants are all in Pon with self-watering pots) every 3-5 days in the summer. 

The usual - Chunky, well draining, mix (coir or soil with orchid bark and perlite) or Pon is also great. These are one of the only Hoya I've never been able to get happy in LECA. 


Solid steady growth rate, definitely on the faster end, especially in the summer months. 

On a scale of 1 (easiest) to 5 (most difficult) I'd say they're a 2. These are one of the only Hoya I have that I don't prop in water. Instead, I'd recommend soil propagation or (my preferred) Fluval stratum.

Non-toxic to humans and animals. 

I actually think that about covers it. These are definitely one of my favorite, and the most unique Hoyas, in my humble opinion. They have such a beautiful growth habit with such soft delicate leaves. I really can't recommend them enough. 

If you have any questions, or some advice of your own to offer, please feel free to comment below. 

Thanks so much for stopping by!

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